Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Feeds and Blogger

A web feed is a part or the whole of the update of a website, within a Feed reader.
A visitor can subscribe to your Blog by using a feed reader. In the feed reader they enter your Blogs URL. When someone subscribes to your Blog, a feed will be provided using XML RSS or Atom. XML, RSS and Atom are tools for transferring data across the internet. You can also add a Feed button to your Blog which makes it easier for the reader to subscribe to your Blog.

The feed will usually appear to the reader in the form of a link or as a part of your new Blog post in their feed reader. In this way they find out about updates to your Blog without having to visit it.

There are about 2000 different feed reader available; Web based readers and readers that run on your computer. Some examples of feed readers are Google reader, Bloglines, NewsGator, Feed Demon and Blog Navigator.

The button with share on the sidebar of this blog supports 54 popular feed readers. You can also make you own button with a feed button generator. Search for it on Google. Another option is to get a button from feedburner. Feedburner not only pulls a feed, but delivers many extra services e.g. It provides a gadget for your Blog to give your readers the opportunity to receive a feed by email and it has statistics on how many people subscribe to your Blog. You can read all about it in this post.
Within Blogger you are able to receive feeds of your friends by using Google Friend Connect.

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