Friday, March 5, 2010

Google Tips

10 great Google tips
  1. If you type words into Google, Google will find websites which contain all these words. Use the word OR if you want to find one term or another, or use the symbol (shift \). For example Apple|Epson|Philips means find Apple, Epson or Philips
  2. If you want to find an exact phrase use quotes , for example “get connected to” You can also use quotes for a part of your search, for example “Bichon Friese” breeder Christchurch.
  3. If you type the word Define into Google you get a definition of the word you are looking for, for example define computer
  4. You can use Google as a calculator Type in 10 + 20 and the result will be shown underneath. You can use the following symbols + - * /
  5. You can search for a range of numbers. For example if you want to find computers in the price range of $700 to $1000, you type into Google; computer $700..$1000. Make sure you type two dots between the two values.
  6. You can do a site specific search. Google will search for the specific term inside the website. For example type into Google; Picasa and the pages with Picasa in it will be shown.
  7. You can use Google to convert units of height, weight and volume e.g. type 5cm in inches
  8. You can use Google to convert currency e.g. type in 100 NZD in EURO
  9. To find an online book click the arrow next to More, than go to even More and select Google books. Type in for example Word Microsoft 2007 and there is your free online book about Word.
  10. Find the weather of today by Typing weather followed by a zipcode or city. For example weather Christchurch New Zealand

1 comment:

  1. Nice article. The half of these tips I knew already and have discovered second part from this article. In addition I want to mention about php tutorial.
